What to Do and How, when your Car Breaks Down?

A sudden down in the middle of the route is not something new for anyone who has ever owned a car or has ridden in one before. A car breakdown may occur at any time – while one is on the way to work, or to the supermarket, or returning home from somewhere.
Although, this is not a life-threatening situation, but a car breakdown can be an infinite source of irritation. You really cannot foresee such an incident, but if you are reading this article and wondering about what you can do to reduce your level of irritation in case of a breakdown.
Read on to find out more about certain things that you need to keep in mind and need to check about this very specific situation.
Your Car Breaks Down - Now What?
A car suffering a temporary breakdown is not uncommon – some minute system error occurs, and your car stops running for some time. In case your engine shuts down, pull the vehicle over on the side of the road and wait for a few minutes before you try to inspect the problem further.Panicking would not help in such a situation because the problem with your car might just be a simple technical hiccup. The car may require a few moments to reset itself in the case of a system error.
But if your car breaks down and you press the radio button and see that nothing is happening, then the symptoms point towards your car battery dying for some reason
If nothing happens, then the answer is yes. For further evidence, there are two options that you must do to diagnose the problem:
1. Open the hood of the car
You need to have a look at the battery and should try to find out if there is any corrosion at the points of connection and whether the connections are tight enough.
If you find any corrosion, make sure to clean it properly and tighten the cable connector a bit more than its previous state. Unfortunately, if the car does not start, then your battery has died.
2. Contact for Help
If you forgot your phone at home and cannot get in touch with roadside assistance agencies, you need to find a gas station for getting proper support to fix your dead car battery.
Usually, if your vehicle breaks down in the middle of nowhere, finding a gas station becomes a sort of impossibility. In such a case, you need to ask for assistance from cars driving by. Usually, all freeways are patrolled by police vehicles, so keep a lookout for such a car and ask for help from the patrol officer.
If you can remember passing by a rest stop or a home of sort while on your way, and if you feel that the distance is walkable, do so and get your hands on a phone to call for assistance. Often, a car passing by will stop to lend a helping hand if you ask for it. But you need to exercise caution when asking for help from someone else.
If a person stops his or her car and asks you to get in so that he or she can drop you at a gas station, try to avoid it and request the driver to inform any gas station, he or she finds about the breakdown. This sort of safety procedure is not a bad idea.
Do you have any more questions or general queries related to automotive repair?
Feel Free to Contact Us and ask the team of specialist at Car Ustad.